滅蟲 | 洗地毯 $899起



餐廳滅蟲:HK$899 *起

家居滅蟲:HK$1199 *起

辦公室滅蟲:HK$1499 *起


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  • 提供全面嘅害蟲治理方案,處理曱甴、白蟻、蚊蟲、老鼠等
  • 安全環保藥劑,適合有小朋友、寵物家庭
  • 預約快速靈活,盡快安排上門處理
  • 經驗豐富專業團隊,值得信賴



#滅蟲服務 #曱甴 #白蟻 #香港滅蟲 #專業滅蟲 #環保滅蟲 #害蟲治理


Professional Pest Control Service | Effective Solutions for Cockroaches, Termites, Mosquitoes, and More | Trusted by Hong Kong Homes & Businesses

Experiencing problems with cockroaches, termites, mosquitoes, or rodents at home or in the office? We offer professional and safe pest control services provided by experienced technicians using environmentally friendly treatments. Our comprehensive pest control solutions effectively remove pests and safeguard your living and working spaces, ensuring a clean and healthy environment.

🔑 Service Highlights:

  • Effective solutions for cockroaches, termites, mosquitoes, rodents, and other pests
  • Eco-friendly, safe treatments suitable for families with children and pets
  • Transparent and reasonable pricing with no hidden charges, covering Hong Kong, Kowloon, and New Territories
  • Reliable and experienced pest control specialists

Contact us today for a free consultation and reclaim your clean, pest-free environment!

Pest Control Hong Kong, Cockroach Control, Termite Treatment, Professional Pest Control Services, Eco-friendly Pest Control, Pest Management HK

#PestControl #CockroachControl #TermiteTreatment #MosquitoControl #HongKongPestControl #EcoFriendlyPestControl